Eyeko, i think you've all heard about it this past few months. Eyeko is a brand from london, the make up has a manga twist & japanese flavour. Lately this brand is very popular, and you can find many reviews on different beauty blogs. The reviews i read on beautysites & blogs are always very positive, so i decided to order some thing. I got: the eyeko cream & strawberry fatbalm. The eyeko cream is a moisturizer, highlighter & eyecream. I'm gonna use it as a highlighter, here is what they claim:
Create a flawless base with Eyeko's 3-in-1 Cream MOISTURISER, HIGHLIGHTER & EYE CREAM in 1!Infused with skin perfecting light reflectors and antioxidant Vitamins A& E plus a Vitamin C boost for a radiant, clear complexion.
So i've tried it on and i thought it looked really nice, especially in the summer. It's a pink gold shimmer highlighter, and i love it. In real life it looks so much better than on the picture!
I also ordered the strawberry fat balm, here is what they claim:
Berry-liscious tints with light reflecting particles and added moisture for softer, sexier lips. Smooth on to cheeks too for a fruity flush. Available in 3 sheer shades.
I absolutely love this smell, it smells really good. It smells like strawberries haha ofcourse, it's called strawberry fatbalm! The color is really nice too, on my lips it looks red and it's very pretty. On my cheeks it's more like a red/pink color, very nice. I think this is very useful, because you can use this as a blush or as a lipbalm. Just like you can use the eyeko cream on different ways. You can find these things on www.eyeko.com for only 5 pounds each!
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